Author Topic: Mother and baby home survivor found meeting birth mother “too traumatic”  (Read 1300 times)

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Mother and baby home survivor found meeting birth mother “too traumatic”

Clodagh Malone, a survivor of the mother and baby homes, recounts her journey reuniting with her birth mother calling it “too traumatic” as she cut off contact with her.

By Shauna Ward

21:13, 13 JUN 2021 Updated13:30, 14 JUN 2021

Clodagh Malone is a survivor of the mother and baby homes and recalls how she reunited with her birth mother.  She calls the experience “too traumatic” after a number of instances where her birth mother was abusive leading Clodagh to cut off contact.  Born in 1970, Clodagh’s birth mother moved to England but presented herself at a Catholic rescue protection four days before she was due to go into labour.  She believed her child would be repatriated to Ireland, but Clodagh says that these Catholic centres had other motives: “Bishop McQuaid had all these ‘agencies’ scattered around England and they were saying it was to repatriate babies. But really what they didn’t want was Protestants getting their hands at Catholic children.”

Clodagh was born in St. Patrick's alongside another girl whose birth mother had gotten pregnant by a priest.  Giving birth was a brutal experience Clodagh says: “She was sent to work on her hands and knees and her water broke. The childbirth was brutal. There was no pain relief.”

After 10 weeks, Clodagh’s birth mother brought her to an adoption agency: “The new respectable married parents were in one room and she had to hand me over to a social worker.”

Clodagh was incredibly close with her adoptive mother and didn’t want to search for her birth mother while she was still alive, she explains: “Before, I didn't feel that I could search for my birth mother. My adopted mother and myself were very, very close and I just felt it wouldn't be very grateful to do something like that.”

In a unique turn of circumstances, Clodagh’s birth mother had been searching for since she was adopted which devastated Clodagh: “For so many years, I'm believing in my mind that I was abandoned. That my mother was a bad person and that she couldn't rear me.”

She added: “Not being allowed to talk about your experience, and that was definitely post-traumatic stress. And a lot of survivors do suffer from post-traumatic stress and depression and terrible anxiety.”

They eventually met for coffee which resulted in Clodagh having a panic attack: “It was too traumatic because she was showing me these photographs and I have no interest in the photographs. I just wanted to put on a pause button on her and walk around her and smell her.”

However, they only met a handful of times due to issues that she was not made aware of: “I didn't realize she was in addiction."

She added: “She'd ring me and say 'I just wanted to hear her voice'. I didn't know. She'd arrange to meet me and she'd never turned up. I'd be left sitting with bouquets of flowers.”

It happened again when she brought her children to meet her and she didn’t turn up: “We just couldn't connect.”

Clodagh found that her birth mother didn’t see her as her daughter: “She saw me almost like competition. She didn't like the fact that my adoptive parents split up when I was very young which again was very unusual.”

Her birth mother had problems with how she was raised: “She didn't like the fact that my mother had given me an education and it was just really weird. I found it deeply traumatic.”

Clodagh cut off contact with her as she said she received abusive phone calls.  She now works as a search angel helping other survivors find their origins saying: “I just feel free and I feel that the heaviness has gone.”

She is very passionate about her work explaining the importance of knowing where you come from: “How could you know who you are when you don't know who you’re not.”

“I’m Aileen McCabe, born in St. Patricks, baptized within 24 hours.’ Finding things like your birth certificate which just belongs to you it's more than winning the lotto.”