Author Topic: 1,000% rise in five years in number of children?s social care placements ....  (Read 981 times)

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1,000% rise in five years in number of children?s social care placements costing ?10,000 per week
by Jason Holland
in 151 News ? Funding ? Social care
29 Nov, 2023

A survey of councils conducted by the Local Government Association has revealed a startling rise in the cost of children?s social care placements.  The number of such placements costing ?10,000 or more per week has risen by over 1,000% in five years.  There were 120 of these placements in 2018/19, rising to 1,510 in 2022/23, while the proportion of councils with at least one children?s social care placement has increased from 23% to 91% over the same period.  The survey found that the highest cost placement was ?63,000 a week. For most councils the highest cost fell between ?9,600 and ?32,500 a week.  A lack of choice in placements is driving the high prices, with nearly every council 98 per cent citing this as a cause.  Some 93% of councils also highlighted children needing help with increasingly complex needs, including mental health needs or exhibiting challenging behaviours, as a factor.  The Local Government Association said the findings demonstrated a ?broken? market for children?s social care placements, and called for ?urgent investment in provision that can best meet children?s needs?, on behalf of councils.

The organisation said there were three key areas for government action, including rolling out planned Department for Education programmes on the recruitment and retention of foster carers to all councils.  The LGA also called for the expansion of children?s homes through capital investment, recruitment and professional development of children?s homes workers and working with the voluntary and community sector.  The third action area is working with DHSC and NHS England on both inpatient mental health facilities and joint delivery of placements for children with complex mental health needs, the LGA said.  The LGA added that it is ?vital? that councils ?are able to invest in earlier support for children and families to reduce the number of children who need to be in the care of their council, and that councils are provided with longer term funding settlements to enable them to plan ahead?.

The LGA is calling for urgent funding for children?s social care in the upcoming provisional Local Government Finance Settlement. It warned the lack of investment in the Autumn Statement ?risked councils? ability to provide the critical care and support that children rely on every day?.

Louise Gittins, chair of the LGA?s Children and Young People Board, said: ?With more children needing help with increasingly complex and challenging needs, what is most important is ensuring they get the best care and support. It is concerning that in many cases, a lack of choice means provision is not fully meeting children?s needs.  The astronomical costs of care placements mean there is less money available for councils to spend on earlier support for children and families.  These findings are indicative of a broken market for children?s social care placements, but it doesn?t have to remain this way. With cross-government support, it is possible to make sure we have the right homes for all of the children in our care.?