Author Topic: Council could lose control of child services after 'deeply disturbing' Star....  (Read 1490 times)

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Council could lose control of child services after 'deeply disturbing' Star Hobson murder

The council's children's services department has been criticised by inspectors for three years

By Victoria Prest

17:56, 14 DEC 2021

The council which "missed chances" to save Star Hobson from a cruel death at the hands of her mother's partner could lose control of child services.  The government has said the little girl's murder was so “deeply disturbing” it would “not hesitate” to remove children’s services control from Bradford Council “if necessary”.  Bradford Council's children's services department was judged "inadequate" by Ofsted in 2018, and has been struggling to make progress ever since.  Today Star's mother Frankie Smith has been found guilty of causing or allowing the little girl's death, and her partner Savannah Brockhill has been convicted of her murder.  Jurors in the case heard social services missed repeated chances to step in and save Star.  Friends and family tried to raise the alarm several times, the court heard, and even though social services visited no action was taken.  Now the Department for Education has stepped in, saying it has already asked an official sent to oversee children's social work in Bradford whether the local council should still be in charge. A spokesperson said Star's death was "deeply disturbing", and added they would "never hesitate to take robust steps to prevent tragic cases like this happening."

Star's horrific murder will be considered in a national review that was set up after the murder of six-year-old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes at the hand of his father and stepmother, the spokesman confirmed.   The DfE statement added: “There are clear systems in place to report serious incidents, which in Star’s case led to a Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review. This is due to conclude in January and will mean its learnings can feed into the national review of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes’ death commissioned this week by the Secretary of State.  In the months since Star’s death we have also appointed a commissioner to assess Bradford’s capability and capacity to improve. The Secretary of State met with him urgently on Monday December 13 to discuss the progress of his work and whether the council should retain control of their children’s services, ahead of his full report in January.  On seeing that we will not hesitate to remove service control if that is what’s necessary to drive rapid improvements.”


In 2018, Ofsted inspectors gave Bradford children's services the lowest possible rating, and warned that some children were at risk of "significant harm".  Since then, inspectors have been back six times, but found improvements have been slow. In June the government told the council it had to improve and appointed a commissioner to oversee the service.  During a monitoring visit in April this year, inspectors looked at children in need of help or protection but found even with "significant investment" there had not been enough positive change "due to the breadth and depth of the inadequacy identified in 2018".

An official report issued after that visit shows that inspectors found there were delays in identifying risk, and that where risks were identified, that didn't always lead to "timely" actions.  The most recent visit, in September, saw inspectors focus on children in care and three out of Bradford's seven children's homes were judged "inadequate".  And in October, the department's director Marc Douglas left after two years in the job leaving the council reportedly looking for the fourth boss in just three years.

'Deep regret'

After today’s verdict the Bradford Partnership, a safeguarding board set up to protect children in Bradford, said a review into how the situation was handled will be published next month.  The partnership's bosses said they "deeply regret" that warning signs were not seen, and said they know there is "much that we need to learn from this case".

In a statement, they added: "We have already put in place actions that will improve our practice so that we learn those lessons. But we need to fully understand why opportunities to better protect Star were missed."