Author Topic: Two parents, who have vulnerable girls with ASD, say their concern about ....  (Read 1054 times)

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    • Soul of Adoption parents 'live in fear' of losing child after social services get involved in gender care

Two parents, who have vulnerable girls with ASD, say their concern about using male pronouns for their daughter prompted social services to get a call.

By Jessica North Politics Reporter

09:09, 9 OCT 2022 Updated09:28, 9 OCT 2022

Two Scottish parents say social services were contacted after a counsellor accused them of “emotional abuse” for raising concern about using male pronouns with their daughter.  In a tearful interview with the Scottish Daily Express, a couple shared the ordeal they are undergoing with their biological daughter who has austism spectrum disorder (ASD) and has struggled with their gender identity.  Since being informed that social workers will be getting involved and confirming that a call has been made to social services by their healthcare professional, they say they are terrified that someone will drop in at any time.   They claim they feel like they are in a battle against authorities to save their vulnerable children from irreversible damage that is backed by controversial Scottish Government guidance despite growing reports that the long-term effects on children are unknown and potentially dangerous.  Speaking exclusively to the Scottish Daily Express they said: “The trans agenda is firmly within schools and on the internet, and it is interfering with our children's lives.  As parents, we cannot protect or guide them or say anything. They are actively told that if anybody tries to discuss it, they are anti-trans and that discussion may lead to suicide. It is heart wrenching and wrong.”

The news comes as Scotland's answer to the now-disolved Tavistock clinic is under pressure to close or change practices in line with the findings of the Cass review. However, the SNP Government has given the NHS a year to issue fresh guidance.  In the meantime, young people will be treated with an affirmative model of care, with the potential for puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones and official guidance will still support debated gender ideology and social transition in schools.  The parents who have asked to be kept anonymous, say their family has been struggling since 2019 when their eldest child joined an LGBTQI + club at high school that began an obsession with gender labels alongside a string of serious self-harming incidents.  What's more, another of their daughters began to share similar ideas and behaviour around the same time and they believe she also has ASD.  "We were delighted when she joined the club and quickly made friends, as a child on the autism spectrum this can be difficult, but it quickly turned into an obsession, which is not unusual for children on the autism spectrum,” the parents said.

When lockdown hit, they say it became impossible to stop access to information from across the world on sites like TikTok and Reddit.  The parents say they have been unable to find out what specific lessons have been taught in schools.  Multiple emails have been sent to the head teacher but they say the responses are always that “it's backed by government advice”.

It was during the last of many sessions with child and adult mental health services (CAMHS) and the gender identity clinics that the parents had sought support for their child and said they believed they could speak freely about their concern that their daughter being trans might not be right.  The daughter was now asking to be referred to as 'he/him' after having used 'they/them' pronouns said the counsellor during a session at which the child was not present. The parents asked the counsellor to stop referring to their child as "he" but were confronted by the professional stating “I have to do it because I feel it in here”, whilst putting her hands to her heart.

They were then accused of emotional abuse for voicing concern about the use of he/him pronouns.  'We were absolutely devastated by this...'

They told the Scottish Express that they know from experience of having children with ASD that they have the propensity to fixate and to be easily led. They also know that there is research proving there is an “overrepresentation” of neurodiverse girls who associate with being trans and these numbers have rocketed since lockdown.  They have said their children should be allowed to “grow and discover who they really are, without diversion by adults”.

They say the real fear is the potential physical and mental damage that can be caused by easy affirmation and referral to gender clinics like what happened to detransitioners now coming forward.  The mother said: “She said that by not using he/him pronouns we were having a negative impact on our eldest’s mental health.  “Despite our close family unit which she knows about and acknowledges and our warm relationship with our children, she has made a referral to social services for ‘emotional abuse’ purely because we use the wrong pronouns. She has explicitly stated this and confirmed this as her reasoning. We were absolutely devastated by this, as a referral for emotional abuse is so hurtful and damaging.”

The parents were reluctant to come forward but did so in the hope that more parents whose children have been affected will speak up.  Their local regional NHS service said it “cannot comment on individual cases due to patient confidentiality".

It added: "We would encourage anyone with any concerns about the care or treatment provided to contact us directly.”