Author Topic: Colorado Mom Discovers Who Her Children Really Are A Few Months After.....  (Read 1645 times)

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Colorado Mom Discovers Who Her Children Really Are A Few Months After Adopting Them
By Cecile - octobre 7, 2020

Just like many people do, Katie Page had decided to start a new life and to build new things, but even though she was considering really big changes, she had no idea how to do it in practice. Over time, Page discovered that her real goal in life was to become a foster mother. At first, she was just taking care of children that didn’t have any family support, starting with infants. Later on, she adopted her first baby and then a little girl. However, Page soon noticed that there was something strange about the two children, and she couldn’t ignore it. In the end, finding out the explanation behind that mystery would leave Katie Page speechless.

1. A fresh start

Katie Page lived in Alabama, but she had wanted for a while to restart from fresh and to get out of the dark environment she was living in. Her marriage just ended, and according to her, it was the most difficult time of her life. She needed to make some changes, but she didn’t really know where to start. She had to do something though. Although she had many friends and plenty of opportunities, she felt like she was missing out on something. At the time, she didn’t know that dreaming of a new life would mean being surrounded by a great mystery.

2. Important decisions

Page had received many opportunities, so she decided to look into them in order to decide which were the advantages and disadvantages of each one of them. She didn’t know how things were going to end, but she knew she needed to do something to change her life. She hoped something would change anyways, and after doing some research, she found a job offer. It looked like a perfect solution if she wanted to stay close to family and friends. But several things were going to happen, and to lead her to what she had been looking for for a long time. Keep on reading to get the whole story!     

3. Changes ahead

Katie Page moved to Colorado Springs, where she started a new chapter in her life. She got a position as a Corporate Services Manager, for a construction company called GE Johnson. With this new job, she thought that she would easily achieve her goals she even bought a big house needing major renovations. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and Page started to really understand what she wanted.  "The house had four bedrooms. I told my friends that this meant that I would be able to host more people, but at the time I didn’t know my family was going to grow", Page commented.
4. Taking care of herself

Calling a professional so that they renovate your home, no matter its size, can be very expensive, which is why Page decided to do it herself.  "The house I bought required a lot of work in order to become an elegant home, and I knew I would be the only one able to make it look exactly the way I wanted it to be", she said. Page wanted at the same time to save money, but also to be busy in order to get her new life off to a good start.

"I knew I became a completely different person than I ever was," Page later recalled.

5. She was missing something

Katie Page’s new project required some serious dedication the renovation included a lot of sacrifices and time. Even if she was highly motivated to redesign her home, Page still felt like something was missing. She was happy, but not truly fulfilled. Some time later, she received a letter that would turn her life upside down, and help her find what she had been looking for the whole time. She read the letter twice, and realized that she was given the opportunity of a  lifetime, and that she had to take it at all costs.

6. Looking for change

After moving to Colorado, Katie, who was very religious, joined the local church. Not long after, she received a letter from them. It was an invitation for a seminar providing information on the placement of disadvantaged children in foster care. Page felt an immediate interest for the program when she opened the letter. Was it actually what she was missing?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was the right thing to do. And having tried to change her life for so long, she felt she finally got a sign from destiny. So she decided to make the leap and go to the seminar.

7. Getting involved for a good cause

All this time, Katie Page tried her best to become a better person moving, renovating a home.  There had been several things going on, and still she felt she could do more. She could feel that something big was going to happen, and she started to think about the fact that the foster care program would be a great cause to get involved in. She could help disadvantaged children to get a home, and anyways she had her whole house to herself. Page knew she could take care of these children who didn’t have families, and that she would be a really good foster mom.

8. Seeking some support

In the end, Page decided to attend the seminar, but she still wanted to get the support of the most important person in her life her mother. If she agreed with her, Page knew she would be able to attend the seminar peacefully. But at first, her mother did not understand why her daughter was so interested in becoming a foster mother. After all, Page had just moved to a new place and just found a new job! Adopting a child would represent quite a lot of extra work. However, and because she wanted to make her daughter happy, the mother agreed to come with her daughter to the seminar. None of them knew what they were going to learn at that meeting, but this decision was actually going to be the best one they ever made.

9. Exactly what she needed

After talking to her mother, Katie Page knew that attending the seminar would be great, but she didn’t realise that the event would change her life. Page got chills when the presentation started, and felt like her whole life was leading to this incredible moment. During the presentation, Page learnt what it would mean to be a foster mother, and after listening to some inspiring stories, she couldn’t wait any longer to take part in the program. However, she was also feeling a bit scared, as it was a huge commitment! But still, the idea of becoming a mother of these kids filled her heart with joy. And she was soon to discover it was in fact what she had been looking for the whole time.

10. New goals for the future

Just a while before, Katie Page was just a single woman who had moved to a new city to start a new life. And in order to adapt to it, the young woman had bought a new house. Then she got a new job, and gave herself another goal becoming a foster mother. That is when she attended a seminar in order to learn more about a program for underprivileged children. But Page didn’t want to get into foster care too quickly. She wanted to take some time to think about it, since fostering a child is a big decision.

11. Overwhelming thoughts

While becoming a foster parent is exciting, it is also a huge responsibility, which explained why Katie Page was at the same time impatient and undecided. Still, she wasn’t sure she had everything it took to be a good foster mom! Over the years, Page had talked a lot with her family and friends about it and they all agreed they thought that she would be a great foster mom. So in the end, Page finally decided to enroll in the foster care program. It was now time for her to prove herself.

12. Starting a new chapter

On Mother’s Day in 2015, Katie Page completed her application to become a foster mother. She knew she had made the right decision, and every day was bringing her closer to her dream. Page had finally a goal to reach. She finally felt that she was on the right track to start a new chapter in her life. And the more she learned about how to help these children, the more she understood how essential her role was going to be. However, she wasn’t scared about this new challenge. She knew she would soon get the greatest gift of all a family.

13. Being the best version of yourself

Not long after completing her application and training, Katie Page became a full-time foster mother, and accepted her new mission with joy and enthusiasm. The first cases she got were not orphans, but  traumatized young children in need of temporary housing. Page made some extra efforts in order to meet the needs of these children. She had to be very caring because of their situation. But while Page was helping them, she realized that she wanted to be more than just a foster mom.

14. The gift of motherhood

As a foster mother, Katie Page had the opportunity to help four underprivileged children. And from the very first time, she knew she was made to be a foster mother. Page liked helping young children, and she really enjoyed taking care of them. But she wanted more responsibility, so she set a new goal for herself and decided it was time for her to be a permanent mother. Lucky for her, her timing was perfect, and someone was going to bring her some very good news. Keep on reading to learn more about this incredible story!

15. Constant thinking

After starting her job as a foster mother, Katie Page knew she wanted to adopt a child. Before her experience as a foster mother, she had never felt the need to become a mother. She mainly cared for young children who grew up in violent environments, but it made her want a child of her own. However, Page couldn’t wait for the green light from the foster care system she needed to check if she could become a full-time mother. If you keep on reading, you’ll discover how this whole situation led Page to discover an incredible mystery.

16. A baby at the door

The agency called Page to ask if she could take care of a particular case. A mother had abandoned her baby in a hospital, and they wanted her to take care of the baby. Page had never cared for a newborn baby, so it was a new challenge for her. This was very different from all the other cases. But for some reason, she felt drawn to it. Plus the agency wanted someone to take care of it urgently, as the child needed immediate care. When she heard the child’s story, Katie immediately felt heartbroken. The baby was only four days old, and had been through so much already. But would she be able to take care of him?

17. Someone to help

A nurse had sadly found the baby abandoned in front of the hospital, and as soon as they found him, they immediately tried to get him a new home. This little boy needed a place to stay, so they turned to Katie Page the only one in the area who could help. Fortunately, the child was in good health but he had been through a traumatic experience, which left Page a little overwhelmed. The poor boy didn’t even have a name! At that point, she decided that she was going to take him under her wing.

Katie Page was already taking care of another child, and giving him her resources and energy. But when she listened to the little boy’s heartbreaking story, she decided to take him in as well to care for him. However, Page was going to need help. So she called her mother to ask if she could stay with her for a few months in order to help her with the children, and Page’s mother agreed immediately. That same day, she took the two children and moved in with her mother. It was only temporary just until she could take care of them on her own. But later on, Page did say that without her mother’s help she would never have managed it.

19. Choosing a name

The little boy did not yet have a name, but Page was convinced it was God that brought the child to her. Being very religious, she believed that everything happened for a reason. So she decided to give him the name Grayson which means by the grace of God. In the end, she really had a son, and when she held him in her arms, Page fell in love with Grayson immediately. It was a feeling she had never felt before – feeling like she was his mother, and wanting to raise him by herself. But there were things she didn’t know about his past, and what she was going to discover would change her life forever. Was she going to be able to handle the situation?

20. Looking for answers

Grayson held a special place in Page’s heart. Page and her mother took care of him for 11 months while the social workers tried to find his birth parents. Katie and the social workers went back to the hospital many times trying to look for clues, but unfortunately they didn’t find anything. The only piece of information they had was the first name and birthday of the birth mother, which had been written on Grayson’s bracelet at the hospital. They hoped they would find someone to give them some information, but what they were about to discover was completely unexpected…

21. Needing some love

They didn’t find anything at the end of their search. It seemed like no one wanted to claim little Grayson. But how could anyone abandon such a cute baby?

Still, Page was also relieved because it meant she was finally going to be able to adopt him. She also knew that someday she would have to explain that he had been abandoned, and that his family could not be found. But she felt there was something that made him special, and there was already a place in her heart for him. As time passed, she began to realize that Grayson was in fact her whole life.

22. A mom, finally!

Katie Page knew deep down that she should adopt Grayson. After all, she had cared for him since the beginning. Plus she had tried to find his birth mother with no success. It was clear that she had no intention of coming and getting her son back. Grayson had come into Page’s life like a little ray of sunshine and she needed that. So she decided to go a step further since Grayson deserved to be a part of her family. He had just turned 11 months old when she decided to officially adopt him. But Katie had no idea that things were going to get more complicated.

23. Becoming a family member

From the moment she decided to adopt to her last day as a foster mother, things moved quickly for Page. On May 14, 2017, she officially became Grayson’s mother! Adoption had become real, and Grayson was an official member of the family. Everyone loved to call him by his new name: Grayson Page. After the adoption process was completed, Katie felt the desire to expand her family, but she decided to wait a little. She felt that she needed to focus on Grayson and to make sure he was happy and healthy. Let’s not forget that he had been through some tough times.

24. Helping Grayson

Katie Page wanted to give Grayson the best care possible, especially after everything he had been through as a baby, so she knew she would need to give all her time and energy to help him through the growing up stages. But a few weeks after the adoption, she received a phone call. The foster care agency wanted to put her in charge of another case very similar to Grayson’s. Except that this time it was a little girl.

25. Another foster mission

At first, Katie Page thought she should wait until Grayson was better to adopt other children. But one phone call changed everything. Like for Grayson, someone left a four-day-old baby in front of the hospital but this time, it was a baby girl. She ended up in the same hospital as Grayson, and once again, Katie decided to take the leap and to take in the little girl. That meant Grayson was going to have a sister.

26. Plenty of similarities

Of course Katie Page felt overwhelmed by the new challenges being a foster mother. Plus she couldn’t believe the similarities between her beautiful Grayson and the little girl. For her, it meant only one thing that she had to welcome them, to give them healthy food, and to take care of them. Even if she would have preferred to have some time before getting an even bigger family, Page felt she had to do something. She saw Grayson in that little girl, and again she couldn’t stand to see a child suffering. So Katie took in the little girl for the time being, realising it could actually be forever. But still, Page was not ready for what she was about to discover next…

27. The right choice

Katie Page knew in her heart that the right decision was to take in the baby, so she said yes. She decided to feed the little girl the same way she fed her new son Grayson. Page understood that welcoming another child so quickly would be a challenge, and not just for her but also for her son and her mother. If you remember correctly, Page’s mother helped her daughter a lot. And now she would have to help even more, but Page knew they would be able to give both children all the love, attention, and care they needed. The little girl left the hospital to come to her new home where she would meet her new brother.

28. Another good decision

One of the social workers brought the little girl to Page’s home, and also gave her all the information she needed about the girl’s story. They told Page everything they knew about the child, her mother and the circumstances of her birth, but as in Grayson’s case they didn’t know much. Page took the little girl in her arms to give her some affection, and when she did she felt something familiar. At first, she thought it was just a coincidence, but then she thought about how similar the girl’s story and Grayson’s were.

29. Odd coincidences

Page was now a full-time mother with two small children, and she looked after them very well. But with time she noticed a strange detail about her kids. At first, she thought it was just a coincidence, but she knew it was strange that the little girl’s biological mother’s name was the same as Grayson’s biological mother’s name. It raised suspicions for Page, so she decided to dig a little deeper. She went to the hospital to look for Grayson’s discharge papers, and found another clue that led her to reconsider everything she thought she knew about her children.

30. Stronger suspicions

Katie Page reviewed all the files until she found the original documents. She actually didn’t expect her suspicions to be real, until she was finally able to check them. And she made a pretty surprising discovery. The girl’s biological mother’s birthday was one day after the birthday of Grayson’s biological mother. Page began to develop theories could the two children have the same biological mother?

She couldn’t help wondering, so she decided to call the social services. It seemed unreal, like a fiction, but the idea was stuck in Page’s mind. So she decided to investigate.

31. Going back to the start

Encouraged by the opportunities she was getting, Page decided to do even more research. She was determined to find answers, so her research took months. She was able to find the girl’s biological mother and arrange a meeting with her, and during this meeting, the birth mother shared some information that further supported Page’s theory. She confessed that she had given birth to another child before the girl was born, and that she had also abandoned him. But Katie needed to be completely sure she was Grayson’s mother.

32. Common points

Page was able to arrange a meeting between the children’s social worker and the biological mother to try and determine if she was right. Despite all the information that made her wonder, she still thought it was impossible that she adopted two siblings. But she also knew that the information she had was too important to be ignored. She commented: "The two babies had a lot of characteristics in common. They both have a dimple on their chins, and they both have another feature that only a mom can see because it is under their diapers!."

But then the only thing that Page could do was to wait for the social worker to call her.

33. The confirmation

Katie Page was working at her desk when her phone rang. She picked up, excited and curious to hear what the social worker had to say. After her meeting with the birth mother, the social worker immediately contacted Page and said: "Katie, I think you’re right."

The information stunned the social worker, and like Page, she checked the files thoroughly. She said: "Her story breaks my heart and I find it hard to believe, but I’m 90% sure you’re right. It’s a miracle!"

And an hour later, Page received another call that definitely changed her life.

34.  Extraordinary lives

When Katie Page listened to the second phone call, she couldn’t believe what she heard. Social workers actually managed to find the children’s last name and it was identical. At that point, there was no doubt left for Page. Without even knowing it, she had welcomed Grayson’s little sister in the family, and it was the news she had been waiting for all along. They both found their way to the same adoptive mother, which was a delight for her. Page was thrilled to have adopted Grayson’s biological sister, and she wanted to tell her mom as soon as possible.

35. Genes don’t lie

When Katie Page discovered the truth, she cried with joy. She finally had the confirmation she was right all along. She had reunited siblings without even knowing it. The next step to be certain about it was doing a DNA test for the children. When the results confirmed they had the same genes, Katie was thrilled about it. Now, she knew what she had to do. Without a second’s hesitation, Katie Page started the process of adopting the little girl in order to bring the two children together under one roof.

36. An even bigger family

Katie Page had the exact same feeling when welcoming the little girl than with Grayson, so she also became her adoptive mother. On December 28, 2018, the adoption process was completed, and Page became a mother for the second time. She named the little girl Hannah Page and the two children quickly built a unique bond. Still, their personalities were very different Grayson loved to relax, while Hannah was noisy and messy. In the end, they complemented each other very well and got along perfectly in all of their activities. Page had solved a mystery but it wasn’t over yet.  Another surprise was coming!

37. It all made sense

Many congratulated Page for following her intuition, which proved correct. However, social workers had some real reasons not to trust her. Both cases were very difficult, and the biological mother having disappeared there was no proof of kinship. When abandoning Grayson, she changed her date of birth on the bracelet, and for Hannah she falsified her last name. But once they were able to locate and find the birth mother, they made another big discovery one that Katie Page wasn’t sure she could handle at that point. But she knew she had to do the right thing for her two children.

38. A new complication

Katie Page had been able to find the biological mother and to meet her, but during their appointment, she also discovered that the woman was pregnant again. Unfortunately, the mother told Page that she intended to do the same with her third child, but this time Page was aware of it, so she could take the child directly. She thought that the siblings should stay together, but she also realized that a third child would add an extra task for her and that it would be impossible to take care of three children at once. Again, she knew what she had to do to keep the siblings safe, so she built strength and went on the next step.

39. Getting ready for the future

Katie Page wasn’t sure of the birth mother’s intentions, who seemed to want her children back, but she soon realized they would be better off with their adoptive mother. She gave birth to another boy thirteen months after Hannah, and Katie Page is currently trying to adopt the boy. Until she does, Page has chosen not to disclose anything to anyone. Hopefully, she will be able to adopt the baby boy so that the three siblings can continue to live together. Just like Katie Page, Molly Schultz has a pretty incredible adoption story. With her husband, Schultz adopted a child they had known for a few years, but it would be much more complicated than they imagined…

40. Who is Molly Schultz?

Molly Schultz is not that different from Katie Page. She is also a single woman who started her life over in a new city, but this time in Seattle. She was going to meet the man of her life in this city Tim. And soon after, Schultz became pregnant with a girl. But before that, the couple had four children, including twins. It seemed that everything was going well for Schultz and Tim they had a home, they were happy, they had a strong marriage and four incredible children. But they would soon discover something that would rock their world.

41. Bad news

Like many people, Schultz felt incredibly close to her father. He raised her as a single father the best he could, and did a great job. In addition, Molly was an only child, so she had a unique bond with her dad he was even there in the delivery room for the birth of her first child! For years, Schultz and her father lived happy lives, and he even remarried later on. Then bad news started his wife passed away and he became a single father again. Then he received even more bad news. He had pancreatic cancer. So what was Schultz Supposed to do?

And how would he half-brother, Easton, react to this?

42. A long journey

When Schultz’s father was hospitalized, she immediately flew to Michigan. Because it was last-minute, she was forced to fly on her own with her children. They encountered several obstacles long delays, turbulence and trouble to breastfeed the babies. Fortunately a woman, that Schultz nicknamed « an angel », helped her settle in and feed her children. Schultz believes that without the angel’s help she would not have succeeded. But in the end the plane landed and Schultz arrived at her father’s side.

43. Last wishes

Unfortunately, when Schultz finally arrived at her father’s side, there was nothing left to do. His time had come, so after she started a family, she lost her father. She could not watch her father in this situation, but she had very little time with him, and he had a last wish she needed to help him realize. Schultz’s father did not want his son (her half-brother) to go through foster care. So he asked his daughter to adopt her half-brother. It was a tricky situation, and Schultz didn’t know if she was going to be able to do it, but she wanted to try. Keep on reading as the end of the story is absolutely unexpected!

44. A difficult adoption

The first part of the process was quite easy. After speaking with a lawyer and getting a signature from her father, Schultz became the legal guardian of her half-brother Easton. The next day, Schultz’s father died, knowing that his son was in good hands. Unfortunately, the rest of the process was not so easy. Over the next few months, Schultz and Easton had pretty much any problem possible. First, they had to transfer the file from Michigan to Washington, and then waited forever to get a court appointment. Meanwhile, Schultz and Easton got to know each other better. But she couldn’t help thinking about the fact that the court might separate them.

45. D-Day

After a whole year waiting, Schultz and Easton finally got an appointment in court. Were they going to let Schultz adopt Easton, as her father wanted?

Molly remembers how scared little Easton was before the ruling was announced. Clearly he was terrified of losing yet another parental figure. Fortunately, the judge understood the family’s case, and ruled in favour of Schultz. After all this time, they were now one big family. They even went to the judge’s office to take pictures and “All’s well that ends well”, as the saying goes.