

Disliked adoption phrases Part Two

Over the years family (my in-laws) and friends who found out, I had a son and we had connected have made ‘uneducated’ comments.  I got sick to death of the ‘how wonderful’ it was that we reunited comments in particular.  Other comments have been ‘it was for the best’, ‘you were young’ and so on which, in turn, has meant that I have had to be extremely calm and explain that I could have raised my son. I shouldn’t have to explain myself but it’s the only way to explain the dark side of adoption.

It’s been far easier to explain to the adoption community of the dark side of adoption.  I’ve had my battles and it’s been worth me standing my ground.

I hate it when anybody says ‘it was God’s plan’ because it’s never in God’s plan that newborns are adopted.  If that was true every parent would be surrendering their baby for adoption and adopting somebody else’s baby.  It is as bad as saying God put a baby in another woman’s womb just so a couple can adopt him or her.

I remember my son asking me not to say anything negative about his adopters.  My response back was on the lines of ‘Why would I as I don’t know them?’

Over the years I have been irritated by the DNA/nature doesn’t matter but nurture does and even a few adoptees have said that to me.  If they don’t matter why do mothers feel profound feelings of pain and loss, why do adoptees want to know who they look like?

I’ve been told a few times that I’m not a mother as I didn’t raise my son with my mother being one of them.  She and the others didn’t ‘get it’ that

Thankfully these days I don’t get so involved in adoption in real life online unless I feel up to it.  It’s really not worth the aggravation, arguments, bad feelings or the effect on it has on my mental health.

March 2025